Welcome to the 20 Songs Project! We need your help.
We are experimenting with putting together an illustrated anthology. We need written art and visual art. We have never done this before so it’s all very exciting!
Please send us your list of 20 songs. Great songs. Terrible songs. The greatest songs. The absolute worst songs. Whatever. But only 20 songs. Give your list a simple explanatory title and email it to [email protected].
Here are some examples of the kinds of playlists we’d love to see (but do not feel limited by these):
The 20 greatest songs ever.
The 20 terriblest songs ever.
20 song titles arranged to make a poem.
The 20 best sexy-times songs.
The 20 best house party songs.
20 songs to listen to on a boat.
20 songs that will get you laid.
20 songs for an Armenian funeral.
20 songs that douchebags think will get them laid on a boat.
20 songs that make you feel safe at night.
20 songs about New York.
20 songs to listen to while flying to Boston (Hint: Augustana’s “Boston” absolutely must be included.)
20 songs to listen to while wandering around the Tate Modern in London while thinking deep thoughts about your life.
The 20 songs that make you feel 20 again.
The top 20 songs of your failed marriage.
The top 20 songs you heard in Vietnam.
The top 20 songs you heard in Afghanistan.
The 20 Bollywood songs that made you realize Bollywood is kind of awesome.
20 songs you hope your children will love.
20 songs your lover needs to love to know you.
20 songs that have inexplicably not been in Wes Anderson movies yet (Hint: “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros is a pretty good start.)
The 20 covers better than the original.
The 20 songs you want Tom Waits to cover.
The top 20 songs that helped you come out to your parents.
The 20 best songs with lyrics that don’t make any goddamn sense.
The 20 songs which must be on the soundtrack of the movie they make about your life.
20 songs with clapping in them.
The 20 songs you would have played for Prince to make him think you’re cool.
20 songs the Beatles would have eventually written.
20 songs that should be Bon Jovi songs but somehow aren’t.
The 20 songs that always make you cry.
20 songs that make you want to change your hair color.
Visual artists (photographers, painters, graphic designers, doodlers, etc.): Please send any of your (even vaguely) music-related art to [email protected]. *** A caveat: This project is an experiment in every way and we are still figuring out our print options. We will never publish a book that doesn’t make your art look fantastic, but we’re still learning how to do that. ***